



2013年7月16日,威尼斯人在线官网通过了. 397-13, which revised the charge for the 财政管理委员会 to the following:

a. The committee shall approve the annual work plan of the internal audit team 和 may recommend items for inclusion in the plan.

b. The superintendent will keep the committee informed of the results of all state 和 federal audits of 威尼斯官网在线 operations 和 recommendations of the County's Office of Legislative Oversight 和 Inspector General.

c. 委员会将检讨, 根据需要, financial statements provided to the county executive 和 County Council.

d. The committee shall undertake periodic reviews of issues pertaining to the management 和 audit of 威尼斯官网在线' fiscal, 资本, 人力资源, 包括董事会的业务预算, 资本改善计划, 人员配备计划, 分配, 以及养老金和福利的决定.

e. 委员会将检讨 the contracting practices of 威尼斯官网在线 和 will review the procurement manual.  

The 财政管理委员会 (previously the Audit Committee) reviews issues pertaining to the management 和 audit of 威尼斯官网在线’ fiscal, 资本, 人力资源, 包括董事会的业务预算, 资本改善计划, 人员配备计划, 和分配.

它是根据威尼斯人在线官网第. 305-08

第一号决议全文. 305-08

周二, 7月22日, 2008, the 威尼斯人在线官网’s Audit Committee met 和 by unanimous vote recommended the following resolution for Board approval:

而, 9月13日, 1980, 威尼斯人在线官网通过了一项决议,成立了一个审计委员会, 谁负责审查内部审计报告, meeting with the 外部审计ors to discuss the scope of their work 和 their audit findings, 和 reviewing reports generated by the Department of Financial Services; 和

而, 11月13日, 1980, the Board adopted a set of procedures 和 responsibilities regarding the appointment, 任期, 以及委员会的会议, 以及委员会与内部审计的关系, 外部审计, 和 the 威尼斯官网在线’ business functions; 和

而, The Board desires a process within the committee for reviewing issues pertaining to the management 和 audit of 威尼斯官网在线’ fiscal, 资本, 人力资源, 包括董事会的业务预算, 资本改善计划, 人员配备计划, 和分配; now therefore be it

解决, That the Audit Committee be renamed the 财政管理委员会; 和 be it further

解决, That the Committee’s 程序 和 Responsibilities be revised as follows:

A. 程序  

  1. 财政管理委员会由三名委员组成, 由全体董事会选举产生, 每人交错服刑三年. The term of office shall begin on December 1 of the year of appointment 和 end three years later on November 30. If a member resigns from the committee or is unable to serve his/her full term, the Board shall appoint another member to serve the balance of the term. Eligibility for appointment to the 财政管理委员会 shall be limited to members of the 威尼斯人在线官网 whose remaining 任期 with the Board are equal to or greater than the terms for which they are appointed on the 财政管理委员会.
  2. The chairperson of the 财政管理委员会 shall be elected by the full Board at its annual organizational meeting in December.
  3. Regular meetings of the 财政管理委员会 shall be held quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the request of either of the other members to the chairperson. 按照法律的要求, the superintendent of schools or his designee shall attend all meetings of the committee.
  4. The Board office in collaboration with the superintendent’s office shall provide staff assistance to keep minutes of each regular 和 special meeting of the committee 和 to prepare correspondence 和 other documents necessary to the transaction of the committee's business. Copies of the minutes of each regular 和 special meeting of the committee shall be furnished to the 威尼斯人在线官网, 连同委员会的建议, 如果有任何, 关于这次会议的主题. The minutes 和 the agenda shall be posted on the Board’s website as soon as they are available.
B. 与内部审计的关系
  1. The superintendent of schools shall report periodically to the committee on the internal audit activities of the school system.
  2. The superintendent of schools shall furnish the committee with copies of all audit reports which contain significant findings 和/or recommendations, 和, 要求, 其他审计或研究报告.
  3. The committee shall meet with appropriate 威尼斯官网在线 staff from time to time to discuss its internal audit reports 和 operations.
C. 与外部审计的关系
  1. The superintendent shall keep the committee informed of any plans to change the 外部审计ors or to make major changes in the scope of the audit contract. The committee shall make recommendations to the 威尼斯人在线官网 regarding the approval of the audit contract.
  2. The committee shall meet with the 外部审计ors 和 appropriate 威尼斯官网在线 staff to discuss the auditors' management letter 和 shall make recommendations to the 威尼斯人在线官网, 适当的, 关于管理函中的具体事项.
D. 与运营预算和资本预算的关系
  1. The committee shall receive copies of the annual financial statements 和 shall meet with the superintendent’s designee to review the statements.
  2. The superintendent shall provide the committee with such interim financial statements 和 data as the committee may request.
  3. The committee shall undertake periodic reviews of issues pertaining to the management 和 audit of 威尼斯官网在线’ fiscal, 资本, 人力资源, 包括董事会的业务预算, 资本改善计划, 人员配备计划, 和分配.